visual creative agency

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black creative

boutique visual creative agency

photography, video & art

we like to work outside the box

based in waikato, aotearoa

working anywhere anytime

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a b o u t

experimental multi disciplinary conceptual creative artist

photographer, videographer, editor, curator

BA Contemporary Art

we work with a a variety of other creatives to provide a complete visual creative experience to our clients.

black creative head chef dean has been playing in the creative space, especially photography, since the beginning of time, from film to video and analogue to digital.

as a creative in many mediums he aims to give all his creative projects a touch of artistic licence.

as a teacher of photography, he has a simple practical approach that puts the learner at ease and encourages experimentation and engagement.

"what a load of waffle, i have the perfect face for photography, ie. the backside of the camera, i take photos, make videos, create art, teach taking photos and drink lots of coffee, what's more to be said" ~ dean (black creative head chef & artist)

c a l l n o w

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